90 Jaw-dropping Morale Boosters: Unique Ideas Ensured To Work

Morale Boosters
by Signe Hegart
October 23, 2023

Maintaining employee morale is crucial to the success of any business. A motivated and engaged workforce is more productive, satisfied, and likely to stay with the company long-term. One effective way to boost morale is by implementing a rewards and employee incentives program. In this blog post, we will provide you with 90 morale boosters that you can incorporate into your company’s rewards and incentives program.

What are Morale Boosters?

Morale boosters encompass a spectrum of actions, activities, and strategies thoughtfully crafted to enhance the spirits, motivation, and overall well-being of individuals or groups, particularly within work or team settings. Their primary aim is to cultivate a positive and uplifting atmosphere that uplifts motivation and satisfaction, thereby culminating in heightened productivity and strengthened teamwork.

Why are Morale Boosters important? ✅

Morale boosters are activities or initiatives designed to improve the overall morale and motivation of employees within a company. They are important because high morale leads to increased employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction. A positive work environment with happy employees can also lead to better customer service and ultimately, improved company performance.

  • Employee Well-Being: High morale contributes to the overall well-being of employees. When employees feel valued, appreciated, and engaged in their work, it positively affects their mental and emotional health. Employees experiencing high morale are less likely to suffer from stress-related issues and burnout. This, in turn, can lead to improved job satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and a healthier work-life balance. It creates a virtuous cycle where employees are not only more content at work but also in their personal lives.

  • Productivity and Performance: Morale boosters play a crucial role in enhancing motivation and focus among employees. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they tend to be more committed to their tasks and are willing to put in their best effort. This, naturally, results in improved job performance and increased productivity. High morale can act as a driving force that inspires employees to consistently strive for excellence in their work.

  • Team Cohesion: Many morale-boosting activities are designed to foster team cohesion. Activities such as team-building exercises and social interactions help employees build stronger working relationships. When teams work well together and are closely-knit, they are more effective in collaborating and achieving common goals. This improved team cohesion can lead to more innovative problem-solving and better decision-making.

  • Job Satisfaction: A positive work environment with morale boosters leads to higher job satisfaction. When employees feel content and fulfilled in their roles, they are more likely to find meaning in their work. This, in turn, can translate to a higher sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are not only more productive but also become advocates for their organization, attracting potential talent and customers through their positive experiences.

  • Retention: High morale is often associated with increased employee retention. When employees are happy in their workplace, they are less likely to leave. This, in turn, helps organizations save on recruitment and training costs, as well as the potential loss of institutional knowledge and experience that departing employees might take with them. High retention rates create a more stable and consistent workforce, contributing to the overall success of an organization.

  • Creativity and Innovation: High morale fosters a culture of creativity and innovation. Employees who work in a positive and supportive environment are more likely to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas and solutions. They feel empowered to share their ideas and are not afraid of failure, which is essential for the development of innovative solutions and products.

  • Problem-Solving: Teams with high morale are often better at solving problems and overcoming challenges. Employees in such environments are more likely to approach difficulties with a positive attitude and a sense of collective responsibility. They tend to be more resilient and adaptable when facing adversity, which can lead to quicker and more effective solutions to problems and challenges that arise in the workplace.

Most people believe that giving back activities, such as volunteering, can improve employee morale better than other events


90 Morale Boosters

1. Express appreciation for your coworkers’ hard work

Express appreciation for your coworkers' hard work

2. Offer flexible work hours

3. Create a comfortable and inviting break room

4. Implement casual dress days ????

5. Focus on diversity and inclusion activities

6. Celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries

Using gift cards as a way to celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries is a popular and thoughtful gift option. Gift cards provide flexibility and allow the recipient to choose something they genuinely want or need.

huuray webpage on a phone

Send yourself a gift card

Want to see what it would look like without any commitment? Now you can send yourself a sample to see how the reward arrives. It takes one click to see it all. It has never been easier!

7. Provide opportunities for professional development

8. Recognize and reward achievements

9. Encourage open and honest communication ????️

10. Share success stories and case studies

11. Hold regular team meetings to discuss progress

low morale

12. Set clear and achievable goals

13. Provide constructive feedback

14. Promote work-life balance

15. Create a positive and inclusive culture

16. Offer wellness programs or activities

17. Recognize and celebrate cultural holidays ????

18. Implement a mentorship program

19. Provide access to career advancement

20. Allow employees to personalize their workspaces

21. Arrange team lunches or potlucks

Minute to Win It challenges

22. Encourage employees to suggest improvements

23. Set up a suggestion box

24. Offer on-site or remote wellness workshops

25. Start a peer recognition program

26. Implement a remote work policy

27. Foster a learning environment

28. Promote health and fitness challenges ????????‍♀️

29. Organize charity and volunteer events

30. Create a company newsletter

31. Develop a system for professional growth

employees talking

32. Recognize employees’ extra efforts

33. Allow occasional telecommuting

34. Arrange department outings or picnics

35. Provide snacks and beverages in the office ????

36. Promote work anniversaries

37. Offer regular breaks and relaxation areas

38. Create a “wall of fame” for achievements

39. Encourage creativity and innovation

40. Offer a casual dress code day

41. Promote team-based projects

employees on a rooftop

42. Organize themed office days

43. Allow for occasional remote work

44. Implement employee recognition programs

45. Provide a wellness stipend

46. Support a diverse and inclusive workplace

47. Encourage continuing education ????????‍????

48. Recognize employees in company-wide meetings

49. Celebrate company milestones and successes

50. Offer a work-from-home day

51. Host guest speakers or lunch-and-learns

employees talking behind a table

52. Create a culture of feedback and improvement

53. Set up a book club ????

54. Establish a mentorship program

55. Provide opportunities for skill development

56. Implement employee wellness programs

57. Offer flexible scheduling

58. Celebrate cultural diversity

59. Promote a positive work environment

60. Organize holiday-themed events

61. Recognize employees’ birthdays

celebration in Huuray office

62. Highlight employee achievements in newsletters

63. Create a “kudos” board for recognition

64. Offer a rotating “employee of the month” program ????

65. Allow employees to rotate leadership roles

66. Implement a peer recognition system

67. Promote a “thank you” culture

68. Recognize and celebrate employee ideas

69. Set up a suggestion program with rewards

70. Offer small tokens of appreciation

71. Arrange office games and challenges

Employees playing table football

72. Provide opportunities for team presentations

73. Promote learning through TED Talks

74. Encourage employees to share their hobbies

75. Organize outdoor team building activities

76. Implement a mentorship program for new hires

77. Create a “Fun Committee” for planning events ????

78. Host contests and competitions

79. Provide growth opportunities within the company

80. Establish a cross-training program

81. Celebrate project milestones

Office games

82. Recognize departments for their contributions

83. Host a “Bring Your Pet to Work” day ????

84. Offer career development workshops

85. Create a wellness committee

86. Highlight achievements on social media

87. Recognize employees for their teamwork

88. Offer regular performance reviews

89. Celebrate promotions and new hires

90. Provide opportunities for job rotations

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How can companies cultivate a positive work environment?

Creating a positive work environment is crucial for the overall success and well-being of a company and its employees. Here are some key strategies that companies can implement to cultivate a positive work environment:

1. Foster open and effective communication: Encourage communication at all levels of the organization. Implement regular team meetings, provide platforms for feedback, and ensure that employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns.

2. Promote work-life balance: Recognize the importance of work-life balance and support employees in maintaining it. Offer flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs to help employees achieve a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.

3. Encourage collaboration and teamwork: Foster a culture of collaboration where employees feel valued and encouraged to work together. Provide opportunities for cross-departmental projects, team-building activities, and open workspaces to facilitate collaboration and teamwork.

4. Recognize and reward achievements: Implement a comprehensive recognition and rewards program to acknowledge and appreciate employees’ contributions. Celebrate milestones, provide personalized recognition, and offer incentives to motivate employees and enhance their sense of accomplishment.

5. Invest in employee development: Offer opportunities for professional growth and development. Provide training programs, mentorship initiatives, and educational resources to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge. This investment not only benefits the employees but also creates a positive work environment by showing that the company values their growth.

6. Promote a healthy work environment: Prioritize the physical and mental well-being of employees. Offer ergonomic workstations, provide access to mental health resources, and promote a healthy lifestyle through initiatives like fitness challenges or wellness programs. A healthy work environment contributes to increased productivity, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being.

By implementing these strategies, companies can create a positive work environment that fosters productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success. A positive work environment not only benefits the employees but also contributes to the company’s reputation and long-term growth.

Related: 80 Employee Engagement Ideas for Success

Measuring the effectiveness of Morale Boosters ????

Measuring the effectiveness of morale boosters is essential to ensure that your efforts are having a positive impact on your team. Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of morale boosters:

  • Employee Surveys: Conduct regular employee satisfaction or engagement surveys to gather feedback on morale. Include questions specifically related to the morale-boosting activities and initiatives you’ve implemented. Look for trends and changes in responses over time.

  • Productivity Metrics: Track changes in productivity and performance indicators such as project completion rates, sales figures, or customer satisfaction scores. Improved morale should correlate with increased productivity.

  • Absenteeism and Turnover Rates: Monitor absenteeism and turnover rates. Reduced absenteeism and lower turnover can indicate that employees are more satisfied and engaged.

  • Employee Feedback: Encourage open and honest feedback from your team. Conduct one-on-one discussions or focus groups to gather qualitative insights into how morale-boosting efforts are perceived and if they have made a difference.

Read also: 25 Employee Awards and Incentives To Motivate

4 Common Causes of Low Employee Morale

Employee morale plays a significant role in the success of a company. When employees are motivated, engaged, and satisfied with their work environment, they are more likely to be productive and contribute to the company’s overall success. However, low morale can have a negative impact on productivity, employee retention, and overall company performance. In this blog post, we will explore four common causes of low employee morale and discuss strategies to address them.

Lack of communication and transparency

Lack of communication and transparency

One of the primary causes of low employee morale is a lack of communication and transparency within the company. When employees feel uninformed or left out of important decisions, they may become disengaged and demotivated. To address this issue, companies should prioritize effective communication and transparency. Regularly share updates, goals, and strategies with employees, provide opportunities for feedback and input, and ensure that employees feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns.

Work-Life Balance Programs

Work-life imbalance

Another common cause of low employee morale is an imbalance between work and personal life. When employees feel overwhelmed or unable to achieve a healthy work-life balance, they may experience burnout and decreased motivation. To combat this, companies should recognize the importance of work-life balance and support employees in maintaining it. Offer flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs to help employees achieve a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives.

group talking around a table

Lack of collaboration and teamwork

A lack of collaboration and teamwork can also contribute to low employee morale. When employees feel isolated or unsupported by their colleagues, they may feel disengaged and unmotivated. To address this, companies should promote a culture of collaboration and teamwork. Encourage employees to work together on projects, provide opportunities for team-building activities, and foster a supportive and inclusive work environment. Additionally, recognize and reward collaborative efforts to reinforce the value of teamwork.

boosting morale and motivation

Lack of recognition and rewards

Lastly, a lack of recognition and rewards can significantly impact employee morale. When employees feel their hard work and achievements go unnoticed or unrewarded, they may feel undervalued and demotivated. To boost morale, companies should implement a comprehensive recognition and rewards program. This can include verbal praise, written acknowledgments, performance-based bonuses, or other incentives that align with the company’s values and goals. Regularly recognize and reward employees for their contributions to foster a positive work environment and motivate continued success.

Providing meaningful feedback for Morale Boosters

Feedback is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on employee morale. When provided in a meaningful and constructive manner, feedback can boost morale by:

  1. Acknowledging and appreciating employees’ hard work and dedication. This recognition validates their efforts and boosts their confidence, fostering a sense of pride and satisfaction in their work, leading to increased motivation and morale.

  2. Creating a positive work environment. Feedback that acknowledges employees’ achievements, strengths, and areas for improvement shows that their work is valued and important. This promotes a culture of open communication and trust, where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. When employees feel heard and supported, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, thus contributing to higher morale.

  3. Promoting growth and development. Constructive feedback provides insights into how employees can improve their skills and performance. This feedback helps them identify areas where they can grow and develop professionally, leading to increased job satisfaction and morale. Regular feedback also helps employees set clear goals and expectations, further enhancing their motivation and morale.

3 tips for Morale Boosters

1. Recognition and Appreciation: Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the hard work and contributions of your employees. Recognizing their efforts and achievements can go a long way in boosting morale. This can be done through verbal praise, awards, or small tokens of appreciation.

2. Open and Transparent Communication: Foster a culture of open and transparent communication. Encourage employees to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback. When they feel heard and valued, it can significantly improve morale. Regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, and one-on-one discussions can help facilitate this.

3. Professional Development Opportunities: Provide opportunities for professional growth and development. Offering training, workshops, or educational programs can show that you’re invested in your employees’ future. When they see a path for advancement and personal growth within the organization, it can boost their motivation and morale.

Remember that every workplace is unique, so it’s essential to tailor these morale boosters to the specific needs and preferences of your employees.


In conclusion, maintaining high employee morale is not just a nicety but a critical component of a successful and thriving business. A motivated and engaged workforce is more likely to be productive, satisfied, and committed, ultimately contributing to the long-term success of the company. One effective way to boost morale is through the implementation of a comprehensive rewards and incentives program. Morale boosters encompass a wide range of actions and strategies designed to enhance employees’ motivation, well-being, and overall satisfaction in the workplace. These initiatives create a positive atmosphere that fosters motivation, increased productivity, and strengthened teamwork. They are important because they lead to higher employee engagement, better job satisfaction, improved customer service, and ultimately, enhanced company performance.


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You can create a positive work environment by fostering open and effective communication, promoting work-life balance, encouraging collaboration and teamwork, recognizing and rewarding achievements, investing in employee development, and prioritizing physical and mental well-being.

There isn’t a strict limit, but it’s essential to balance the number of initiatives to prevent overwhelming employees. Prioritize quality over quantity and ensure that each morale booster aligns with your team’s goals and values

The frequency of morale-boosting activities will vary depending on the company and its employees. However, it is generally recommended to implement these activities on a regular basis to maintain high morale. Monthly or quarterly recognition and rewards programs can be effective in keeping employees motivated and engaged. Additionally, providing meaningful feedback should be done consistently throughout the year to ensure employees feel valued and supported. It is important to remember that morale-boosting activities should not be seen as a one-time event, but rather as an ongoing effort to create a positive work environment.