26 Outdoor Team Building Activities to Boost Team Spirit

Outdoor Team Building Activities
by Signe Hegart
September 13, 2023

Team building is an essential aspect of any successful company. It helps in fostering positive relationships among team members, improves communication and collaboration, and boosts team morale. In this blog post, we will explore 26 outdoor team building activities that can help boost team spirit within your company. These activities are not only fun and engaging but also promote teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership skills and can be used as employee incentives. Whether you are planning a team building retreat or looking for regular activities to incorporate into your work routine, these ideas are sure to inspire and motivate your team.

What are Outdoor Team Building Activities?

Outdoor team building activities are group exercises or games that take place in an outdoor setting, such as a park, forest, beach, or any outdoor environment. These activities are designed to help individuals work together more effectively, improve communication, build trust, and enhance team cohesion. They are often used in corporate settings, schools, sports teams, and various other organizations as a way to foster teamwork and develop important interpersonal skills.

Why are Outdoor Team Building Activities important?

Outdoor team building activities are important for several reasons, and they offer a range of benefits for individuals and organizations alike:

  • Enhancing Teamwork: Outdoor activities require participants to work together to achieve common goals. This collaboration helps build trust and cohesion among team members. People learn to rely on each other’s strengths and support each other’s weaknesses.
  • Improving Communication: Effective communication is crucial in any team setting. Outdoor activities often involve challenges that require clear and precise communication to succeed. Participants learn how to convey their ideas, listen actively, and give and receive feedback.
  • Building Trust: Trust is the foundation of strong teams. Outdoor activities, particularly those that involve physical challenges or trust exercises, help team members build trust in each other. When individuals see that their teammates have their back, they are more likely to trust their judgment and decisions in the workplace.
  • Problem Solving: Many outdoor team building activities involve problem-solving and critical thinking. Teams must come up with solutions to various challenges, often under time constraints. This helps individuals develop their problem-solving skills and learn to think creatively.
  • Leadership Development: Outdoor activities provide opportunities for individuals to step into leadership roles or demonstrate leadership qualities. Leaders emerge naturally, and team members have a chance to observe different leadership styles and learn from each other.

Related: 29 Team Building Companies You Wanna Know About

26 Outdoor Team Building Activities

1. Sports day

sports day with employees

Sports day is a great way to get your team outdoors and active. You can organize various sports activities such as relay races, tug of war, or even a friendly game of soccer or volleyball. This not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters team spirit and friendly competition. Encourage employees to participate and cheer each other on to create a positive and supportive atmosphere.Don’t forget to bring along essential sports gear, including a reliable golf bag, for a well-rounded and enjoyable experience.

2. Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are a fun and challenging outdoor activity that requires teamwork and collaboration. Set up a course with various obstacles such as ropes, tires, and balance beams. Divide your employees into teams and have them navigate through the course together. This activity promotes problem-solving, communication, and trust-building among team members.

If you need to inspiration for where to bring your team. check out Tough Mudders website and get inspired!

3. Paintball

Paintball is a thrilling team building activity that can be done outdoors. Split your employees into teams and provide them with paintball guns and protective gear. They will then engage in a friendly competition, strategizing and working together to eliminate members of the opposing team. This activity not only encourages teamwork and communication but also boosts adrenaline and brings out the competitive spirit in employees.

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4. Capture the flag

Capture the flag is a classic outdoor game that can be a great team building activity. Divide your employees into two teams and set up a playing area with two flags. The objective is for each team to capture the other team’s flag and bring it back to their own base without getting caught. This activity promotes strategy, communication, and teamwork as players must work together to plan their approach and protect their own flag.

Not sure about the rules? Check out Wikihow and get prepared to make the best game for your employees!

5. Flag football

Flag football is a fun and inclusive team building activity that can be played outdoors. Divide your employees into teams and set up a playing field with flag belts. The objective is for each team to score touchdowns by advancing the ball down the field and crossing the opposing team’s goal line. This activity promotes teamwork, communication, and friendly competition as players must work together to strategize plays and defend against the opposing team.

Related: Employee Recognition Programs: The Key to a Happy Staff

6. Egg drop race ????

The egg drop race is a creative and engaging team building activity that can be done outdoors. Each team is given a raw egg and a variety of materials such as straws, tape, and paper. The objective is to create a contraption that will protect the egg from cracking when dropped from a height. Teams must work together to brainstorm ideas, design their contraption, and test it out. This activity promotes problem-solving, communication, and teamwork as teams collaborate to create the most effective egg protector. After the contraptions are built, teams take turns dropping their eggs and seeing if they survive the fall. The team with the most intact eggs at the end wins. This activity not only encourages creativity and critical thinking but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among employees.

7. Treasure hunts

treasure hunts

Treasure hunts are a fun and interactive team building activity that can be done both indoors and outdoors. Divide your employees into teams and provide them with clues or a treasure map to follow. The objective is for each team to work together to solve the clues and find the hidden treasure. This activity promotes problem-solving, communication, and teamwork as teams collaborate to decipher the clues and navigate to the treasure location. Additionally, it encourages creativity and critical thinking as teams strategize their approach to finding the treasure. The team that successfully finds the treasure first or completes the hunt in the shortest amount of time wins. Treasure hunts not only provide a fun and exciting experience for employees but also foster collaboration and camaraderie among team members.

Incorporating team building activities into your company can have numerous benefits.

  • Improve communication
  • Improve collaboration among employees
  • Boosts morale and motivation
  • Enhances problem-solving skills

By engaging employees in fun and interactive activities, you can create a positive and productive work environment. So, consider incorporating these outdoor team building activities into your company’s reward and incentive programs to promote teamwork and strengthen relationships among employees.

8. Volleyball ????

Volleyball is a classic team sport that can be a great addition to your company’s outdoor team building activities. It promotes teamwork, communication, and coordination as players work together to keep the ball in play and score points. This activity not only encourages physical fitness but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition among employees.

Volleyball is a versatile activity that can be adapted to different skill levels and preferences. Whether your employees are beginners or experienced players, they can all participate and have fun. It’s a great way to bring employees together, improve their communication skills, and strengthen relationships.

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9. Hiking

A nature hike is a simple yet effective team building activity that allows employees to connect with nature and each other. Choose a scenic hiking trail or nature reserve and lead your team on a guided hike. Along the way, encourage them to engage in conversation, observe their surroundings, and work together to overcome any obstacles. This activity promotes bonding, communication, and a sense of appreciation for the natural world.

Read also: 23 Fun Office Games That Bring Joy to the Workplace

10. Bike riding

Bike riding is a fun and active outdoor team building activity that can be incorporated into your company’s reward and incentive programs. It allows employees to explore their surroundings, get some exercise, and build relationships with their colleagues. Whether it’s a leisurely bike ride through a scenic route or a challenging mountain biking adventure, this activity promotes teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

To make bike riding even more engaging and rewarding, you can organize team challenges or races. This adds an element of friendly competition and encourages employees to work together towards a common goal. You can also consider incorporating biking into charity events or fundraisers, further strengthening relationships among employees and giving back to the community.

11. Outdoor volunteering

Outdoor volunteering is a meaningful and impactful team building activity that allows employees to give back to their community while strengthening their relationships with one another. There are numerous opportunities for outdoor volunteering, such as cleaning up parks, planting trees, or participating in beach clean-ups.

By participating in outdoor volunteering, employees not only contribute to a worthy cause, but they also develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. They work together towards a common goal and experience the satisfaction of making a positive impact on the environment or their local community.

Furthermore, outdoor volunteering can also enhance your company’s reputation and brand image. By actively participating in community service, your company demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility and community involvement. This can attract potential customers, clients, and even future employees who value corporate social responsibility.

If you wanna get your employees in the right mood for volunteering, Huuray offers charity donations gift cards.

12. Outdoor Yoga

Outdoor yoga is a rejuvenating and calming team building activity that can be included in your company’s rewards and incentives programs. It allows employees to relax, unwind, and connect with nature while promoting mindfulness and well-being.

To make outdoor yoga more engaging and rewarding, you can hire a professional yoga instructor to lead the session. They can guide employees through different poses, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques, creating a peaceful and tranquil environment.

Outdoor yoga can also be combined with other team building activities, such as hiking or nature walks, to create a more comprehensive experience. This allows employees to connect with one another on a deeper level and build stronger relationships outside of the office.

13. Go kart racing ????️

Go kart racing is a thrilling and exhilarating team building activity that can inject some friendly competition into your company’s rewards and incentives programs. It provides employees with an opportunity to let loose, have fun, and bond with their colleagues in a high-speed environment.

Furthermore, go kart racing can also promote a healthy sense of competition among employees. It allows them to showcase their driving skills and compete for the top spot on the podium. This can boost morale, motivation, and engagement within the team, as employees strive to outperform one another.

Read also: Corporate Gift Card program: Enhancing Morale and Productivity

14. Camping

Organizing a camping trip is a great way to build camaraderie and team spirit among your employees. Spend a weekend in nature, away from the office, and encourage team members to bond and connect with each other. Activities such as hiking, campfire cooking, and team-building games can be incorporated into the trip to enhance the experience.

15. Picnic

Picnics are a classic and enjoyable team building activity that can be included in your company’s rewards and incentives programs. They provide an opportunity for employees to relax, socialize, and enjoy good food in an outdoor setting.

You can consider incorporating a theme into the picnic, such as a Hawaiian luau or a Western-style barbecue. This adds a unique and memorable touch to the event, further enhancing the experience for your employees.

16. Paddle board

Paddle boarding is a fun and adventurous team building activity that can be a great addition to your company’s rewards and incentives programs. It involves standing on a large board and using a paddle to navigate through the water, providing a unique and exciting experience for employees.

Paddle boarding promotes teamwork and communication as employees work together to balance on the board and paddle in sync. It also requires focus and concentration, helping to promote mindfulness and stress relief.

17. Climbing ????????‍♀️

Climbing is a challenging and physically demanding team building activity that can push employees out of their comfort zones and encourage them to work together to overcome obstacles. Whether it’s indoor rock climbing or outdoor climbing, this activity requires trust, communication, and problem-solving skills.

Climbing can also foster a sense of accomplishment and boost self-confidence among employees as they conquer difficult climbs. It promotes a growth mindset and encourages individuals to push beyond their limits.

Read also: Low Morale in the Workplace: How to Turn the Frown Upside Down

18. River rafting

River rafting is an exhilarating team building activity that can strengthen bonds and communication among employees. Working together to navigate rapids and steer the raft requires coordination and cooperation, fostering a sense of teamwork.

River rafting also promotes trust and reliance on one another, as employees must rely on their teammates to keep the raft afloat and navigate safely through the water. It can be a thrilling adventure that creates lasting memories and builds camaraderie within the team.

19. The Human Knot Trust Building Exercise

The goal is to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands, forming a human knot.

This activity promotes trust, communication, and problem-solving skills as employees work together to untangle themselves. It requires cooperation and coordination, encouraging individuals to rely on each other and build stronger relationships within the team.

Check out human knot: step by step by Teambuilding

20. Minefield

The Minefield exercise is a trust-building activity that requires communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. In this activity, employees are split into pairs, with one person blindfolded. The blindfolded person must navigate through a designated area filled with obstacles (or “mines”) with the help of their partner’s verbal guidance.

21. Paddle tennis

Paddle tennis is a fun and engaging team building activity that combines elements of tennis and ping pong. It can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile option for team building events.

Playing paddle tennis requires teamwork, communication, and coordination as players work together to strategize and hit the ball. It encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of camaraderie among employees.

22. Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga is a popular team building activity that requires focus, strategy, and coordination. The game involves stacking oversized wooden blocks into a tower and then taking turns removing blocks from the tower and placing them on top without causing the tower to collapse.

Giant Jenga is a fun and interactive way to strengthen bonds and create a sense of camaraderie among employees. It can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it suitable for various team building events.

Overall, incorporating team building activities like river rafting, the Human Knot Trust Building Exercise, Minefield, paddle tennis, and Giant Jenga can be highly beneficial for companies. These activities promote trust, communication, problem-solving skills, and teamwork, leading to stronger relationships and a more collaborative work environment.

Buy giant Jenga here: amazon

23. Corn hole tournament

Corn hole, also known as bean bag toss, is a popular team building activity that involves throwing bean bags into a raised platform with a hole in it. It can be played in teams of two or individually, and the objective is to score points by getting the bean bags into the hole or on the platform.

Hosting a corn hole tournament as a team building activity can create a fun and relaxed atmosphere, allowing employees to interact and bond with each other outside of the work environment. It provides a break from routine tasks and helps to relieve stress, ultimately improving morale and productivity in the workplace.

24. Ziplining

Ziplining is an exhilarating team building activity that involves gliding through the air on a suspended cable. It requires trust, communication, and courage as participants navigate their way from one platform to another.

Ziplining provides a unique opportunity for employees to bond and create lasting memories. The adrenaline rush and sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a zipline course can strengthen relationships and foster a positive and supportive work environment.

25. Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee is a high-energy team building activity that combines elements of football, soccer, and basketball. It involves passing a Frisbee disc to teammates and working together to score points by catching the disc in the opposing team’s end zone.

Playing Ultimate Frisbee as a team building activity promotes communication, collaboration, and strategic thinking. It requires participants to work together and coordinate their movements to successfully pass and catch the disc.

Ultimate Frisbee can be played in various settings, such as parks or open fields, making it a versatile option for team building events. It provides a fun and active way for employees to bond and engage in friendly competition, ultimately enhancing teamwork and morale in the workplace.

Cant remember the rules for ultimate frisbee? Don’t worry, check them out here: USA Ultimate

26. Kayaking

Kayaking is a team building activity that involves navigating a small boat, called a kayak, through water using a paddle. It can be done in calm rivers, lakes, or even in the ocean, depending on the level of experience and preference.

Kayaking offers a unique opportunity for employees to connect with nature and enjoy the outdoors. It provides a break from the office environment and allows for relaxation and rejuvenation. The peacefulness of being on the water can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being among employees.


Incorporating team building activities into your company’s rewards and incentives program can have a positive impact on employee morale, teamwork, and overall productivity. From outdoor adventures like ziplining and kayaking to energetic games like Ultimate Frisbee and Team Olympics, there are plenty of options to choose from. These activities provide opportunities for employees to bond, communicate, and collaborate, ultimately creating a more positive and supportive work environment. So why not consider adding some exciting team building activities to your rewards and incentives program and watch your company thrive?


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Outdoor team building activities can be customized to align with specific team goals by following these steps:

1. Identify team goals

2. Assess team dynamics

3. Select appropriate activities

4. Customize the activities

5. Facilitate debriefing sessions

6. Provide opportunities for reflection and application

When planning outdoor team building activities, safety should always be the top priority. Here are some important safety considerations to keep in mind:

1. Assess the location

2. Weather conditions

3. First aid and emergency response

4. Participant abilities and limitations

5. Communication and supervision

Outdoor team building activities can have a significant impact on building teamwork within a company. These activities provide a unique opportunity for employees to come together outside of the office environment, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration. Here are some ways in which outdoor team building activities can help build teamwork:

1. Communication

2. Trust and Relationships

3. Problem-solving

4. Leadership Development

5. Motivation and Engagement